10 Ways to learn cooking at home

Suhag Al Ahsan
3 min readSep 11, 2021


These days everything becomes so easier that we can do half of the cooking by hitting the turn on and turn off the button. Despite that, we all know how to cook especially when it comes to frying an egg or heating up something (:

It’s much easier to pick up something on the way home than to learn how to cook or go through all the cooking process. I myself even used to do the same thing most of the time. It takes time to learn cooking but if you can at least give 3 times a week it becomes much easier. The most important fact is that eating at home is gonna give you a fresh healthy lifestyle. Moreover, saving some extra money.

Here I’m going to share 10 tips from my experience which consistently helped me to stay on the line.

➤1.Relax- First thing to remember while cooking is to take a deep breath and stay relaxed. Regarding the recipe, slowly go forward and don’t get panicked when things don’t work out. Try to stay relaxed and look for the solution to why it didn’t work out.
2.Commit yourself to doing it regularly - This is another big step. Commit yourself for a few weeks maybe for dinner to check if you can actually clear the threshold. Start with a positive attitude, dragging up your butt' to the kitchen is gonna make it already 75%.
➤3.Read The Recipe First-(get a cookbook) Before you go out swimming you must know how to swim. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a suicide. So get a recipe book and read the recipe first then start measuring up things. 
➤4.Look Up methods Online- Looking up methods online gonna give you a physical affirmation. Which will boost your confidence to do it more efficiently. By watching cooking videos you can start with even zero experience. 
➤5.Cook All The Time- It’s really important to hold your nerves first. If you don’t cook, how are you gonna know whether you are good at it or not? So, You have to cook not just cook but all the time using different recipes. That’s how you will get experienced. Remember, practice makes a cook perfect. There are no alternatives.
➤6.Minimize your tools(keep your kitchen clean)- Get rid of tools you don’t use or which aren’t required when you cook. Don’t jam the kitchen with all sorts of unused items. Always remember to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. It gives a positive vibe to emerge yourself into cooking. 
➤7.Measure all ingredients before even starting- While you’re in the midst of cooking, just remembered that you don’t have salt or butter. It will be really depressing and lose motivation in the first place. So always remember to measure all the necessary ingredients right in front of you.
➤8.Make easy foods first - Don’t try to make something like Pad Thai in the first place. Starting with much easier foods that are easy to cook will help you to be on the role.
➤9.Take fresh ingredients- Don’t forget to take fresh ingredients from the grocery shop. Every time, buy something new and don’t be afraid to experiment with different foods. 
➤10.Lastly, learn from every mistake- We aren’t born with the innate ability to do everything. We take action, make mistakes and then we learn. It’s normal to make mistakes but learning from those mistakes is gonna make you perfect. whatever you do whether it’s cooking or something else.

Good luck with the cooking. Trust me, as you learn you'll find it amazing. Sometimes you can surprise the loved one though ;)

Photos taken from: PIXABAY



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