Why does someone else have to point out your mistakes!

Suhag Al Ahsan
2 min readJul 11, 2021


Try to understand your mistakes! It's a little bit rude but trust me when you wait for someone else to correct you. It often gets too late. Hence, Your realization would not make any sense anymore.

It's just late, Time flies once it's gone, gone forever. Past work won't be done anymore. You should do it when It's time.

Now you have a new task, new responsibility, it’s the present and you have to think about the future’s sake.

What has gone is gone, concentrate on the present. It's never been too late to start. Instead of remorse about the past, you should go for the future.

You can't change the past but the future is still in your hands.

The biggest obstacle to achieve your goal is the start off. Procrastinating for no reason isn't gonna help you, You'll never be ready enough to succeed. Once you start you'll realize what the mistakes are or where you should work out. But being a procrastinator!! That just sucks!

What you're afraid of! Is that about being perfect or avoiding criticism! I can tell you one thing if you don't start you'll never know.

Who knows you may be good at it or even better than anyone else! Sometimes others' criticism makes you stronger than ever. Learn to push yourself when things seem to run off your hands. Take control of yourself, when people start saying odd things take a deep breath, calm down your nerves. Bring positive affirmation to your mind.

Don't say why all the wrong things are going into my life. Say, Life is beautiful, I'm gonna have to push myself a little bit harder this time.

Positive affirmation has great power over the subconscious mind.

Beyond your realization, it makes things much easier. Always start your day with a positive affirmation and at least twice or thrice say to yourself. You’ll see the changes.

Eyes, Ears, Mouth and heart can lead you to utter success or in the trash. Make sure to use them properly.



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